Marrying a guy who is the complete opposite of your
imaginary Mr. Right would be a great folly. Imagine being married to a guy who
thinks you are not worthy of wonderful things, does not like to be seen with
you and thinks of you as nothing more than his wife. Isn’t it like the worst
dream ever? Mind you, judging people for doing bad, immoral things is
justified. So take some time out before you decide to marry a guy, even if you
have dated him for a long time, and go through these 15 habits. If he has them,
or most of them, reject him and shut the case closely because once you read
these habits, you will realize that the only thing you need to do with this guy
is either get him jailed or be miles away from him.
1. Narrow-mindedness:
The idea of spending your whole life with a guy who is not
open-minded sounds like a nightmare. You don’t want to be with someone for the
rest of your life who restraints you from doing all the normal things just
because of his fear of things going wrong or his mistrust on you. That kind of
negativity can ruin your life and make you regret marrying him. It is better to
dump such a man at once instead of later regretting it when he displays his
narrow-mindedness and makes your life hell.
2. Hates Animals:
Didn’t you feel a little blasphemous even reading the phrase
hates animals’? Who on earth hates animals? Nobody does; that is the answer. So
if he does not like animals without any good reasons like allergies etc and
makes you choose between him and your pet, always choose your pet. Not having a
fondness of them is fine but literally wanting to be away from them because
˜they are animals’ shows a great lack of empathy. You will be living with a
cruel human animal if you decide to marry him.
3. The Relationship Rules Mean Nothing To Him:
He likes to play wild, and it is not a good sign. You tell
to not do something and he does exactly the same. Not only is that
disrespecting you but it is completely disregarding the relationship rules.
Every relationship has some ground rules that need to be followed naturally by
both the partners but if he goes off the line again and again without ever
paying heed to your concerns about them, he is totally not worth marrying.
Absolute disrespect should never be appreciated or given a second chance.
4. Breaks Promises:
A little mistake or a sometimes forgetful mind can be
excused and even a big promise, if broken once in a blue moon, can be forgiven
too but if the frequency of promise-breaking increases visibly then it is time
for some cleaning and washing. If he nods vigorously while making promises and
easily breaks those only days later, it obviously means that he is making a
fool out of you. That is not a good relationship to be in so reject that
promise-breaker and find a keeper.
5. Gives You Secondary Treatment:
It gets messy when one of the two people is more into the
relationship than the other one. It begins to fall apart since it is all about
giving, taking, sharing and receiving, just like Joey said. So if you are the
one giving your best to the relationship while he sleeps peacefully and does
nothing at all, it means that you do not mean to him what he means to you. There
is no point taking such an empty connection along so do not marry the guy who
gives you secondary treatment when you deserve to be the first priority.
6. Doesn’t Have Moments of Epiphany:
A guy who constantly thinks that everything he does is
utterly right and his decisions can never be wrong needs to have a reality
check. It is, indeed, cruel to force someone to change for you and should not
be done. But a person ought to realize his mistakes and be ready to make
changes in himself accordingly for the sake of goodness. If he never
experiences any moments of epiphany and never doubts anything he does, his
cocksure behavior can be harmful to you as well.
7. Excessive Excuses:
Excuses are only a way of saying I am sorry but I had more
important things to do and you do not matter to me as much as you think you do.
End of story. If he has more excuses than reasons and they are all too
senseless to be true, he is only trying to lie to you and if not, only feeling
too lazy to include you in everything. Such behavior in the guy you are about
to marry can be a turn-off and should be a turn-off.
8. Keeps The Fights Alive:
Fights are good, even healthy, but not if they never end. It
is completely okay to voice your opinions in front of your partner even if they
oppose his own and it is okay to have a discussion from two different points of
views. But if he never agrees to settle on a decision and is not willing to let
you keep your opinion, he is the problem. Both the people involved have to
respect each other differences. If he likes to the opposite and keeps the
fights alive, you need to move away.
9. Kills the Conversations:
He is a great talker, it is awesome, but as soon as it comes
to you telling a story or sharing something, he cuts you down like it does not
matter. He is the conversation killer. Not only do these habits show a lack of
conversations skills but also show your insignificance in his opinion, how your
turn does not matter and he is better off without you pitching in on something.
You don’t want to be ignored like that for the rest of your life; never make
the mistake of marrying such a conversation killer.
10. Liar:
Small lies, cute lies and insignificant lies that are told
for good are excusable and even justifiable but lies that affect your
relationship and are spoken again and again need to be dealt with. If not the
lies then the liar needs to be confronted. Relationships are all about trust
and believing in each other. If he takes that away by breaking the code of
taking confidence in each other then he needs to be replaced. Lies damage a
relationship slowly like termites damage wood.
11. Clingy:
We would all just get ourselves a child to go on a date with
if we wanted someone to depend on us 24/7. When men cling to us for more than
usual, it either means that they have insecurity issues or they don’t trust you
with your actions. Clingy partners are a no-no! A mature relationship requires
too independent people who can bear being away from each other for some time
for the sake of their busy adult lives. Clingy is not normal.
12. Hates Family:
No matter how annoying our parents can get sometimes, we can
never really hate them or cut them off our lives. The family is where we
started and forgetting them is no less than a sin. If he hates his family, just
because family is annoying or for any other weak reason, then he is not fit to
marry you or anyone else. Marriage is about starting a family. How do you
expect him to start a family of his own if he is not able to cope with his own
former family?
13. Smokes:
Smoking is difficult to stop, very difficult, indeed. But if
the guy you wish to marry has never given an ear to your request of trying to
give up the habit of smoking then it means that you don’t hold a special place
in his life, which you ought to do if you plan to marry him. Continuing smoking
after the countless times you asked him not to shows you his lack of emotion.
14. Immature in His Affairs:
Be it friendship or his relationship with his boss, if he
the kind of guy who throws people off after a minor fight or quarrel, he is not
the right guy to be with. If his dealings with the people around him are hasty
and he keeps cutting people off, he can easily cut you off one day. Impatience
as a trait in the guy you are going to marry is not good.
15. Abusive:
Every other habit stops mattering when it comes to his
violent nature. Love knows nothing about violence, be it physical or emotional.
Run away from the guy who is violent in his dealings as far as possible. Try to
change him if you think you can but do not marry him any time before he has
changed. You will be making the biggest mistake of your life if you marry a guy
who does not know how to control his anger.
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